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  • MAXIDIVE 是获得船级社认证的公司吗?
    Yes, we are approved by all Class Societies with representation in Thailand. ABS, BV,ClassNK, DNV, KR, LR
  • MAXIDIVE 获得 IMCA 认证了吗?
    MAXIDIVE specializes in Underwater Ship Service operating in inshore limits, and therefore IMCA certification is not required. Our parent offshore company is a full IMCA member
  • 你说你是泰国第一。这是什么意思?
    MAXIDIVE is servicing around 300 ships annually with our three fully equipped dive teams nationwide. We are the largest, the best equipped and in business for last 20 years.
  • 您是否能够提供由相关机构远程见证的水下检查?
    Yes. All our dive teams are equipped with (state of the art) CCTV systems with LIVE STREAMING capabilities in HD quality.
  • 您是否为正在进行货物作业的船舶提供服务?
    Our Dive teams are trained to proceed during cargo ops as long as it is allowed at the current location and NOT compromising safety for all involved parties.
  • 您在船体清洁方面是否受到大型船舶吃水深度的限制?
    A New Hull Cleaning ROV system has been developed, and therefore We can operate safely even on the largest fully loaded ships.
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